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FOUNDATION STONES: Remembering and reflecting on the services and sacrifices given by these brothers and sisters makes one shout ‘Hallelujah! These stalwarts of faith have journeyed through grace from the beginning. Some of them through guided questions delight in their journey from Ward Avenue; some freely reminisce on their transition and stability at McKinley Road. While some have departed this earth, we are full of thanksgiving and praise for those who were able to celebrate the ‘GOLDEN JUBILEE’ with us.. MINISTERS: FOUNDATION: Rev. Fred Linyard, Rev. H. Ashton Smith, Rev. Ivan Shaw, Rev. Basil MacLeavy, Rev. Clinton Robison, Rev. V.I. Peart, and RT. Rev. Neville Neil. MEMBERS: FOUNDATION: Sisters Gladys Bayley, Beryl Davis, Lurrel Crawford, Muriel Morgan, Beryl Tulloch, Ethel Webber, Clarice Marshall, Dottie Smith, Olive Bernard and Deaconess Barbara Neil who is deceased. BROTHERS: Duncan Stanley, Ezra Williams (Lay Pastor) and Cliff Bernard. Brothers deceased are Gresham E. Marshall, Bernard Finster Webber.
Foundation Stones