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Excerpt of Message from Chair Person Magazine
As we commemorate fifty (50) years of Christian witness in Mandeville and its environs, we exclaim: ’The lines have fallen unto [us] in pleasant places ;….’’( Psalm 16:6-7a AV) And it came to pass that the children of New Beulah began their journey from Ward Avenue through the territories of Hard Work, Prayerful Trust and Great Hope to the land of Brumalia-McKinley fifty years ago. And, behold the hand of Yahweh guided them to this spot.
The Magazine Committee shares the history and envisions the prospects of the church; give members an enhanced sense of gratitude to God for the congregation’s achievements; honour the long line of pilgrims on whose shoulders we still climb; leave a legacy and draw others to Jesus and to New Beulah.
New Beulah’s future is is assured with the Christ-like, intellectual and skill-oriented devotion of these colleagues, especially the younger ones .As you dear reader, savour excerpts of articles from the fiftieth magazine, we pray that you will grow in gratitude to God for His unfailing favours to us; and tread the continued journey with Christian fortitude, leaving distinctive footprints for future pilgrims
God bless you! God bless New Beulah Moravian Church! God Taken from Message from the Chair of the Magazine, Lucinda Peart Chairperson, Magazine Committee