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Youth Ministry

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27 McKinley Road




Tel: 1-876-632-0317


NEW BEULAH Moravian is one church where many persons show much interest in youth work. The minister in charge of this Auxiliary is Rev. Clarister Johnson. Sister Constance Patmore Sunday School Superintendent and Play wright is assisted by Sisters Beverly Gayle, Beverley Powell, Suzette Hardeen & Avia Gayle. The Youth Fellowship and Young Adults Group is directed by Sisters Joan Clarke, Yvette Frith and Joan Harvey, with advisers Sister Paulette Williams and Fred Foster.

SUNDAY SCHOOL AND JUNIOR CHURCH: God has been good to us. He has helped us to keep active a Sunday school with a 110 student population on roll; Regular attendance fluctuates between 60 and 50 children every Sunday. Past Sunday School Superintendent Br. Hermon Chambers and teacher Sister Dottie Smith continue to work with us. We are directed by DEMY-Department of Education Missions and Youth. Director of DEMY, Rev. Ruth Stephenson and Secretary of DEMY Sister Joan Harvey work close with New Beulah. Sisters Denise Anderson and Dorette Brown assist Sister Patmore with Junior Church. Children are fed each Sunday with snacks provided by members of the church

.  MUSIC :Along with Drama and Dance music has always paid a major part in the life of our Youth Ministry. This has been for many years under the direction of  Sister Dian Ashton-Smith and Br. Halzen Smith who is the present Senior Choir Director



            This society is a two girls’ organization of the Moravian church, designed for girls between the ages of 12 to 21. It originated in Scotland and was introduced to Jamaica in 1900.

            The motto of the organization is ‘By Love Serve One Another’ (Gal. 5:13) and its main objective is “To raise the standard of womanhood in Jamaica”.

            The New Beulah branch of the U&O was started in 1974 by Sis. Myrtle Williams, and was reintroduced in 1984 by Deaconess Barbara Neil and Sis. Rulette ‘Posey’ Lewis.

            Other leaders who served over the years are Sisters Icilda Bernard, Bernice Melhado, Iris Phillips, Ionie Davey, Heather Anderson and Norma Davey. Current leaders are Sis. Constance Patmore, Sis. Beverly Powell, Sis. Beverly Gayle  and Sis. Avia Gayle.

            Meetings are held on Friday afternoons and the girls are engaged in a number of activities including Bible study, Craftwork, Home Economics, Cosmetology and outdoor adventures.

            The girls along with the other youth organizations of the church and the Young Adults, conduct worship service on second Sundays, and participate in Christmas programmes.

            The Annual Fellowship Day is an important day on the Calendar of activities for the organization. This day is observed on the first Sunday of November each year. Members from all the branches in the province, meet to fellowship together on that day. Activities then include a worship service and competition in speech, drama, and songs. Craft work, Needle work and preserves done throughout the year are usually put on display for competition. Over the years the New Beulah U&O girls gained many top prizes and emerged champions.

            The training offered by the U&O has greatly influenced the lives of our girls. They are more disciplined and have not only learnt loyalty and love for the Lord Jesus Christ, but many have been helped in making satisfactory career choices. The 75th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine tells us “Many of our most faithful and hardworking Moravian members received their early training in the Upward and Onward Society.

BOYS BRIGADE: The New Beulah Company was started by Brs. Ben Bernard and Austin Davey during the time of Bishop Neville Neil. This has been a very strong Company until Br. Ben migrated and Br. Davey became ill. In his company his aim was to train young men to succeed him. During his illness Young BB member Br. Calvin Morgan Jnr. was guided by Br. Tillack Hardeen and Sister Pauline Jones.

Today the number of boys in the company has decreased to 10 but Br. Calvin and Michael Hyman works with Sister Jones and Br. Hardeen to keep the group ‘steadfast’.



            This organization is the junior section of the U&O Society, designed for girls aged 8 to 12 years. It began in 1960 to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the U&O. Their motto is “Trust in God and do the right”.

             The New Beulah branch was started in 1984 by Deaconess Barbara Neil, wife of the then Minister the Rt. Rev. Neville S. Neil. At the time there were only eight girls. They were talented and enthusiastic. Activities then, as they are now, included baking, needle craft, art, fabric painting and first aid. Bible study plays a very important role in the programme.

            Sis. Icilda Bernard succeeded Deaconess Neil as leader of the group. She was ably assisted over the years by sisters Rulette ‘Posey’ Lewis, Ionie Davey, Iris Phillips (deceased), Beverley Gayle and Avia Gayle.

            Members of the branch received several awards for singing and choral speaking at the U&O fellowship days.

            The group is adopted by the Moravian Women’s Fellowship of the church.


            This is an interdenominational Christian boys’ organization introduced in Jamaica in 1894 by Rev. D. D. Panther at Coke Methodist Church in Kingston. Companies were formed from time to time in Moravian congregations, but it was not until 1989 that it was introduced at New Beulah by Bishop Neville Neil. The motto of the Boys’ Brigade is, “Sure and Steadfast ” and its objective – “The advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that leads towards true Christian manliness”.

            Bro. Cedric Palmer, the Provincial Youth Organizer, gave valuable assistance to the formation of the Company at New Beulah, and Bishop Neil was Chaplain.

            Bro. Benjamin Bernard was the company’s first leader. He was very enthusiastic, hardworking and committed, and was given invaluable assistance by Bro. Austin Davey and Bro. Vincent Sang. For health reasons Bro. Ben had to return to Canada, and the boys were left in the capable hands of Bros. Austin Davey, Tillack Hardeen and Sis. Pauline Jones.

            Then Bro. Davey fell ill and interest in the company waned. Bro. Davey died in January 2015, and at his funeral, past members of the company, at the invitation of Sis. Jones, formed a guard of honor.

            This seemed to have re-awakened the interest in the company, and under the leadership of a vibrant past member – Bro. Calvin Morgan (Jnr.) and Sis. Pauline Jones, the Boys’ Brigade at New Beulah was resuscitated.

            The activities of the Company over the years include drill, sports and athletics, outings, Bible Knowledge, and Civics. The boys attended and participated in several camps and official functions such as National Heritage Parades on the Mandeville Greens, as well as, in parades at Provincial events. At their home church, New Beulah, they participate in the worship service on youth Sundays i.e. second Sunday of each month.            

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